Cub Scout Position Specific Training Modules are updated on My.Scouting
The online position-specific training modules for Den Leader/Assistant Den Leader, Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster, and Pack Committee Members were updated on May 30 to reflect the program updates launched on June 1, 2024.
The outline of the training modules has not changed. There are still four different position Learning Plans; Den Leader/Assistant Den Leader, Cubmaster/Assistant Cubmaster, Pack Committee Chair, and Pack Committee Members. The run time for the modules has not been significantly changed. The names of the individual modules are still the same and so is the order that they are presented.
Cub Scout volunteers who completed training before these updates, do not have to retake training. We do strongly encourage Cub Scout volunteers to retake key modules with the most edits based on the program updates.
CS19 Bobcat – Updates to Bobcat as a required Adventure for all ranks.
CS19 Advancement – Updates to how each badge of rank is earned.
CS19 Cub Scout Uniforms – Updates to the uniform, specifically Webelos and Arrow of Light.
CS19 Conducting a Den Meeting – Outlines how to plan and conduct a den meeting using the updated Adventures and Den Meeting Resources found in the handbooks and on
CS19 Denners and Den Chiefs – Recommended for Den Leaders for Bears, Webelos, and Arrow of Light. The updated Bobcat requirement for these ranks includes the Denner and Arrow of Light Patrol Leader. This module details these positions.
CS19 Conducting a Pack Meeting – Minor edits include planning for Cub Scout Adventures that can be completed as a pack and making pack meetings more activity-based.
CS19 Pack Structure – Includes updated information about forming dens.
CS19 Annual Program Planning – Update includes planning for Cub Scout Adventures that can be completed as a pack.
Below is the list of key modules listed by position:
Den Leader & Assistant
- Bobcat
- Advancement
- Cub Scout Uniforms
- Conducting a Den Meeting
- Denners and Den Chiefs
Cubmaster & Assistant
- Bobcat
- Advancement
- Cub Scout Uniforms
- Conducting a Pack Meeting
- Denners and Den Chiefs
Pack Committee Members
- Cub Scout Uniforms
- Pack Structure
Pack Committee Chair
- Cub Scout Uniforms
- Pack Structure
- Annual Program Planning
The syllabus for in-person position-specific training is scheduled for release by August 1, 2024.
Questions? Contact our council training team, Susan Williams, Chair or Carol McCarthy, Co-Chair.