A Scout is Thrifty! This principal is essential to the healthy development of our youth by teaching them to be good stewards of their finances and to practice earning their own way. Scouts learn this by participating in the units fundraising plan and helping to secure the funds to operate the scouting unit.
Each unit is responsible to provide methods for the Scout to earn their own way. Unit money earning activities are organized for this purpose. The Buckskin Council provides Scouting Units the opportunity to participate in Product Sales campaigns. Council approved product sales consist of Tudor Cards, Nut Product Sale and Popcorn Product Sale.
On occasion, the efforts of the individual scout, parents, and unit do not adequately produce the funds needed to cover the annual expense of the program. During these times, unit leaders can apply for assistance for camperships and registration assistance for youth to supplement the funding already secured.
The Buckskin Council is aware of the challenges associated with the fee increases for membership registration implemented by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America. To help mitigate the impact of the increase to our scouting youth and families a membership registration assistance application has been developed. (The campership form is a separate document in your summer camp packets)
Units may apply for registration assistance for youth members as needed, after reasonable effort on the part of the Scout, parents and Scout Unit to fund their programs has been made.
Please note you may apply for assistance anytime. However, camperships and registration assistance is only available if the Council has received funding. Assistance is not automatic.
Camperships and Registration assistance is predicated upon the Council having funds available.
Assistance to Individuals Application