All of the forms listed on this page are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Acrobat® Reader to view and print these forms. This free software may be downloaded from the Adobe web site.
Health and Medical Forms
For events less than 72 hours and local tours, use: Health Form Parts A & B.pdf
For events more than 72 hours, Summer Camps, and Resident Camps, use: Health Form Parts A B & C.pdf
Scoutbook is the BSA’s online unit management tool and helps Scouts, parents and leaders track advancement and milestone achievements along the Scouting trail. As of January 1, 2019, Scoutbook subscriptions are free to all scouting units.
Scoutbook user guides are available at:
Other Helpful Council Resources
Recharter Resources
Here are some useful resources to help with rechartering
Cake Requests
Recognizing a Scout for attaining the rank of Eagle? Celebrating your packs Blue & Gold? Whatever the occasion, submit your request for permission to use a commercial bakery for use of any Boy Scouts of America logos on a cake. Please note that it takes 2-3 business days to review requests and respond accordingly. Submit your request at