Help grow big things with the Boy Scouts of America
The Buckskin Council was chartered in 1919 and has a rich heritage of building leadership skills in young people. Today, the Buckskin Council serves 40 counties in West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky and Ohio. Since 1919, the Buckskin Council has impacted hundreds of thousands of Scouts and their families.
Donate to the Buckskin Council and give young people the chance to have fun, gain confidence, and become leaders who live the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Financial resources for the Buckskin Council come from an annual Friends of Scouting (FOS) campaign, local United Ways, foundation grants, special events, project sales, investment income, trust funds, bequests, gifts of real and personal property, and your direct financial contributions.
Donate Now
Make a direct financial contribution to the Buckskin Council online with your credit card. There are several programs you can use as a contribution vehicle or you may just make a direct general FOS contribution.
Pledge Your Support
Pledge your support today by submitting the Pledge form to the right.