Register Now
Please register by March 28 at 6:00 pm. Walk ins are welcome but we prefer that you register so we know how many to expect.
Cub Scouts, Start Your Engines!
The Mtn Dominion District Pinewood Derby Race is Saturday, March 29th at the Mercer Mall in Bluefield. Bring your best car and test your skills against other Cub Scouts. This is a free event and open for all Cub Scouts. Walk-ins are welcome but we ask that you pre-register so we know how many to expect.
Check-in is 10:00-10:30 am
Racing begins at 11:00 am
No additional pieces may be added when the car is repaired.
The race track will be located inside the mall going down the hall facing HOBBY LOBBY. Be sure to review the Buckskin Council Pinewood Derby Rules for good sportmanship and maximum fun!
Questions? Contact David Montang at 276-722-0022